Our Team – Your Team
We find ways to get things done, not excuses for inaction.
The world of corporate banking is not just about money. We focus on the client, their success and creating conditions for them to excel.
At KB Slovakia, we know that such conditions must be founded on clearly defined principles and fair relations.
A successful business requires thousands of details in harmony with each other. We see ourselves as a piece in the mosaic of our clients’ success. Our role is to ensure that they function smoothly, and we treat clients as partners in this mission.
We know that on the level where we work together, we cannot set restricted hours of business. There are only challenges that we overcome together.
We find ways to get things done, not excuses for inaction. Our specialisation in corporate banking gives us freedom to concentrate. We are flexible, make decisions dynamically and act fast. We enjoy finding new solutions to old problems.
Just as no two people or projects are the same, no two clients are entirely alike. In the area where we work, it is natural to provide solutions tailored to the demands of every specific situation. The clients of Komerční banka Slovakia will always stand out from the crowd. For us, every client is exceptional.
We speak the same language, the language of business. We have strong background from the Société Générale international group, unique know-how and an agile firm’s ability to create and identify opportunities.We do our homework before every meeting. We acquaint ourselves with your field of business, its day-to-day conditions, and the challenges you face. Our aim is to get on your “wavelength”, save you time and bring to the table as many solutions and as few questions as possible.
We measure our success by the feedback we receive directly from clients. We continuously achieve above average evaluations based on the internationally recognised NPS methodology for measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, for which we are immensely grateful.
Thank you.