Exchange Rates
Exchange Rates
Exchange rate | Buy | Sell | Average rate |
AUD | 1,71514 | 1,59116 | 1,65315 |
BGN | 2,03257 | 1,88563 | 1,95910 |
CAD | 1,54214 | 1,43066 | 1,48640 |
CHF | 0,97499 | 0,90451 | 0,93975 |
CZK | 26,02117 | 24,14013 | 25,08065 |
DKK | 7,74105 | 7,18145 | 7,46125 |
GBP | 0,86600 | 0,80340 | 0,83470 |
HUF | 420,00417 | 389,64243 | 404,82330 |
JPY | 163,11575 | 151,32425 | 157,22000 |
NOK | 12,08480 | 11,21120 | 11,64800 |
PLN | 4,34707 | 4,03283 | 4,18995 |
RON | 5,16265 | 4,78945 | 4,97605 |
SEK | 11,74206 | 10,89324 | 11,31765 |
TRY | 40,86458 | 33,70582 | 37,28520 |
USD | 1,07776 | 0,99984 | 1,03880 |
For transactions of one customer executed by the Bank within the same day, where one currency is changed into another currency and the aggregate amount of which is equivalent to more than EUR 50,000, the Bank is entitled to set an individual exchange rate taking into account the current exchange rate on the interbank market.
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Currency conversions and payment operations denominated in RUB have been suspended.
Agio/disagio for cashless exchange of a foreign currency for another foreign currency by use of a spot ratio, obtained by calculating the ratio of the middle rates of both currencies as per the exchange list of Komerční banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky, is 3%.
Buy - express the number of foreign currency units, bank buys for 1 €.
Sell - express the number of foreign currency units, bank sells for 1 €.